The "R" category is also aggregated by R-bloggers.
programming (16)
- 2011-10-02 How to run regression on large datasets in R
- 2011-10-22 Windows binary of RMySQL
- 2011-12-18 Handwriting recognition using R
- 2014-01-01 Using system fonts in R graphs
- 2014-04-03 Introduction to dynamic document and knitr
- 2015-09-19 An overview of linear algebra libraries in Scala/Java
- 2016-02-20 Large scale eigenvalue decomposition and SVD with rARPACK
- 2016-04-09 RcppNumerical: numerical integration and optimization with Rcpp
- 2016-07-15 recosystem: recommender system using parallel matrix factorization
- 2017-08-13 Blog not down
- 2018-05-27 Extracting specific lines from a large (compressed) text file
- 2019-11-29 Updates on RSpectra: new "center" and "scale" parameters for svds()
- 2020-12-29 Installing Solus from QEMU
- 2022-10-08 Custom gradient in Tensorflow
- 2023-04-23 Using the good old Fortran L-BFGS code
- 2023-05-01 Using the good old Fortran L-BFGS-B code
r (13)
- 2011-10-02 How to run regression on large datasets in R
- 2011-10-22 Windows binary of RMySQL
- 2011-12-18 Handwriting recognition using R
- 2013-09-27 A conversation with Hadley Wickham
- 2014-01-01 Using system fonts in R graphs
- 2014-04-03 Introduction to dynamic document and knitr
- 2014-07-21 Using showtext in knitr
- 2016-02-20 Large scale eigenvalue decomposition and SVD with rARPACK
- 2016-04-09 RcppNumerical: numerical integration and optimization with Rcpp
- 2016-07-15 recosystem: recommender system using parallel matrix factorization
- 2016-08-11 Creating pretty documents with the prettydoc package
- 2018-05-27 Extracting specific lines from a large (compressed) text file
- 2019-11-29 Updates on RSpectra: new "center" and "scale" parameters for svds()
statistics (12)
- 2011-10-02 How to run regression on large datasets in R
- 2011-12-18 Handwriting recognition using R
- 2012-09-18 Is Normal normal?
- 2013-09-27 A conversation with Hadley Wickham
- 2015-09-19 An overview of linear algebra libraries in Scala/Java
- 2016-02-20 Large scale eigenvalue decomposition and SVD with rARPACK
- 2016-07-15 recosystem: recommender system using parallel matrix factorization
- 2019-11-29 Updates on RSpectra: new "center" and "scale" parameters for svds()
- 2019-12-28 MCMC notes (1)
- 2022-10-08 Custom gradient in Tensorflow
- 2023-04-23 Using the good old Fortran L-BFGS code
- 2023-05-01 Using the good old Fortran L-BFGS-B code