L-BFGS is a well-known and widely-used optimization algorithm for smooth and unconstrained optimization problems. It was originally implemented in Fortran, and also has some more recent implementations including libLBFGS and my own LBFGS++.

The Fortran code was written more than 30 years ago, and looks a bit exotic from today’s perspective. However, it is still one of the most stable and mature implementations of the L-BFGS algorithm, and is typically used as a baseline in testing and benchmarking.

This post briefly introduces how to use the Fortran L-BFGS code in a typical C++ program, which is at least useful to myself as I occasionally need to compre LBFGS++ with the classical implementation.

To do this, the first step is to download the source code from this link, and extract the lbfgs.f file from the zipped package. We can then compile the code as below:

gfortran -O2 -c lbfgs.f -o lbfgs.o

This will generate a binary file lbfgs.o that contains the compiled Fortran function.

Then we start writing the C++ program. As usual, we first include some necessary header files and the declaration of the Fortran function:

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>

using Vector = Eigen::VectorXd;

// Fortran L-BFGS function
extern "C" {

void lbfgs_(
    const int* n, const int* m,
    double* x, const double* f, const double* g,
    const int* diagco, const double* diag,
    const int* iprint, const double* eps, const double* xtol,
    double* w, int* iflag


Note that the included Eigen library is not necessary for simple problems, but I find it very useful in numerical and statistical computing, so I implement the objective function later using classes defined in the Eigen library.

Also notice that the function we declared above is called lbfgs_, which has an underscore appended (the Fortran function in lbfgs.f is called LBFGS). This is a convention of the mixed programming in Fortran and C++.

Next, we define a C++ class to represent the optimization problem we want to solve:

// Problem class
class Rosenbrock
    int n;
    Rosenbrock(int n_) : n(n_) {}
    double operator()(const Vector& x, Vector& grad)
        double fx = 0.0;
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 2)
            double t1 = 1.0 - x[i];
            double t2 = 10 * (x[i + 1] - x[i] * x[i]);
            grad[i + 1] = 20 * t2;
            grad[i]     = -2.0 * (x[i] * grad[i + 1] + t1);
            fx += t1 * t1 + t2 * t2;
        return fx;

This is not the only method to define an optimization problem, but is the one I recommend in using LBFGS++. In fact, this piece of code is directly taken from the README of LBFGS++. The key idea is to construct an object fun such that fun(x, grad) returns the objective function value evaluated at a vector x, and overwrites the grad vector with the gradient at x.

Finally, below shows a complete example that calls the Fortran L-BFGS to minimize the Rosenbrock function.

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>

using Vector = Eigen::VectorXd;

// Fortran L-BFGS function
extern "C" {

void lbfgs_(
    const int* n, const int* m,
    double* x, const double* f, const double* g,
    const int* diagco, const double* diag,
    const int* iprint, const double* eps, const double* xtol,
    double* w, int* iflag


// Problem class
class Rosenbrock
    int n;
    Rosenbrock(int n_) : n(n_) {}
    double operator()(const Vector& x, Vector& grad)
        double fx = 0.0;
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 2)
            double t1 = 1.0 - x[i];
            double t2 = 10 * (x[i + 1] - x[i] * x[i]);
            grad[i + 1] = 20 * t2;
            grad[i]     = -2.0 * (x[i] * grad[i + 1] + t1);
            fx += t1 * t1 + t2 * t2;
        return fx;

int main()
    // Set up problem size
    const int n = 10;
    // Create problem
    Rosenbrock fun(n);
    // Initial guess
    Vector x = Vector::Zero(n);
    // Space to store gradient
    Vector grad = Vector::Zero(n);
    // Maximum number of iterations
    const int maxiter = 1000;

    // Set up solver parameters
    // Number of correction vectors in L-BFGS
    const int m = 10;
    // Do not provide H0
    const int diagco = 0;
    Vector diag(n);
    // Convergence tolerance
    const double eps = 1e-6;
    // Machine precision
    const double xtol = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
    // Printing options
    int iprint[2];
    iprint[0] = 1;  // Print in every iteration
    iprint[1] = 0;  // 0-3, larger value for more output

    // Working space and flags
    Vector work(n * (2 * m + 1) + 2 * m);
    int iflag = 0;

    // Optimization process
    double objval;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < maxiter; i++)
        // Compute objective function value and gradient
        objval = fun(x, grad);
        // Call L-BFGS routine
        lbfgs_(&n, &m, x.data(), &objval, grad.data(),
            &diagco, diag.data(), iprint, &eps, &xtol,
            work.data(), &iflag);
        // If iflag = 1, then continue iteration
        if (iflag == 1)
        } // If iflag = 0, then the solver finishes
        else if (iflag == 0) {
        } // If iflag < 0, then some error occurs
            std::cout << "L-BFGS solver failed with code " << iflag << std::endl;
            return iflag;

    // Print final results
    std::cout << "================================================" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "x    = " << x.transpose() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "grad = " << grad.transpose() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "# function calls = " << i + 1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Final f          = " << objval << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Final ||grad||   = " << grad.norm() << std::endl;

    return 0;

Some explanations of the code above:

  1. The key logic of the lbfgs_() function is to return a flag variable iflag, which instructs the user what to do next.
  2. If iflag == 1, then the user needs to compute the objective function value objval and the gradient grad at the current x vector, and supply these objects to the next call of lbfgs_().
  3. If iflag == 0, then the algorithm converges successfully, and the x vector contains the solution.
  4. If iflag < 0, then some error occurs, and the value of iflag indicates the type of error.
  5. The meaning of each parameter and error code can be found in the lbfgs.f file.

We can compile the C++ code (assuming the file name is lbfgs_example.cpp) and link it with the Fortran binary file as follows, where /path/to/Eigen is replaced by the path to the Eigen header files (for example, if it is in the current directory, then just use -I.):

g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -I/path/to/Eigen lbfgs_example.cpp lbfgs.o -o lbfgs_example.out -lgfortran -lquadmath

Running the program ./lbfgs_example.out shows the following output:

 F=  5.000D+00   GNORM=  4.472D+00

   I   NFN    FUNC        GNORM       STEPLENGTH

   1    3     4.003D+00   6.463D+00   5.752D-02
   2    5     3.468D+00   1.089D+01   2.164D-01
   3    6     2.556D+00   1.234D+01   1.000D+00
   4    7     1.988D+00   1.172D+01   1.000D+00
   5    9     1.264D+00   4.103D+00   5.422D-01
   6   11     1.187D+00   9.217D+00   2.953D-01
   7   12     1.023D+00   9.277D+00   1.000D+00
   8   13     6.057D-01   5.417D+00   1.000D+00
   9   14     3.956D-01   6.327D+00   1.000D+00
  10   15     2.095D-01   7.052D+00   1.000D+00
  11   17     9.589D-02   9.211D-01   1.774D-01
  12   19     7.521D-02   4.677D+00   3.936D-01
  13   20     5.602D-02   4.549D+00   1.000D+00
  14   21     1.515D-02   1.327D+00   1.000D+00
  15   22     5.411D-03   2.175D+00   1.000D+00
  16   23     6.644D-04   7.377D-01   1.000D+00
  17   24     8.160D-05   3.797D-01   1.000D+00
  18   25     2.421D-06   1.425D-03   1.000D+00
  19   26     1.602D-07   7.079D-03   1.000D+00
  20   27     5.210D-10   1.006D-03   1.000D+00
  21   28     2.043D-12   6.054D-05   1.000D+00
  22   29     2.358D-16   1.408D-07   1.000D+00

 IFLAG = 0
x    = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
grad = 5.87724e-08 -2.2613e-08 5.87724e-08 -2.2613e-08 5.87724e-08 -2.2613e-08 5.87724e-08 -2.2613e-08 5.87724e-08 -2.2613e-08
# function calls = 29
Final f          = 2.35773e-16
Final ||grad||   = 1.40811e-07